CSE 40243 Fall 2023

Compilers and Language Design Course at the University of Notre Dame

Code Generation Assignment



Finally, you will complete your compiler by adding a code generator! We have discussed code generation extensively in class, so this assignment won’t specify it in too much detail. The goal is simple: Your compiler must read in a B-minor program as described by the language guide and emit an 64-bit X86 assembly language program that can be assembled, linked, and run correctly on the CSE student machines.


Please review the general requirements for assignments. Your final submission must have a Makefile that generates an executable called bminor that can be invoked like this:

% bminor --codegen program.bminor program.s

If the program passes all earlier phases of compiling (scanning, parsing, resolving, and typechecking) then it should write a valid assembly language program to the file specified in the third argument and exit with status zero. If some error is encountered along the way, then it must print a reasonable error and exit with status one.

Your compiled programs will need a runtime library to operate correctly. Use the library.c provided with the B-minor starter files as a starting point. Note that a print statement in B-Minor should result in one or more calls to the C functions print_string, print_integer, etc, depending on the type of the expression You may add additional additional runtime calls as you see fit.

To convert assembly code into a working executable, use GCC in assembly mode and include the B-minor standard library:

gcc -g myprogram.s library.c -o myprogram

Then execute the final program like this:


It’s quite possible that this final stage of the project will require you do go back and make a few changes to earlier stages. Do what you need to do in order to get the code working! The assembly code that you produce must work correctly, but it need not be simple, pretty, or optimal.

Baseline Requirements

You may make the following simplifying assumptions for your code generator and receive full credit:

The baseline compiler should be tagged as codegen.

Extra Credit Options

Once you have perfected the baseline compiler, then you may attempt one of options for up to 10 percent extra credit.

Any extra credit attempted should be tagged as codegen-extracredit


Start by writing a bunch of very simple programs, and then write just enough of the code generator to cover those cases. For example, write a test that declares one variable (and nothing else), or returns a single constant value from main. Work up bit by bit to handle integer arithmetic, then control statements, function calls, and so forth. When you are ready for a challenge, try these complete example programs


As with the previous step, create twenty good test cases named test/codegen/good[0-19].bminor that consist of valid B-minor programs. Make sure that your test cases start with very simple examples and work up to complex examples with complex expressions, control flow statements, and functions. (You tested all the bad cases in previous stages, so you don’t need to include bad cases now.)

As always, exercise good style in programming by choosing sensible variable names, breaking complex tasks down into smaller functions, and using constructive comments where appropriate.

Ensure that make clean, make, and make test, and continue to work properly.

Turning In

Tag your submission with codegen in github to turn in. If you have attempted extra credit, then tag that additionally as codegen-extracredit.

Your submission will be tested on the CSE student Linux machines, so be sure to follow the general instructions and make sure that your code works there.

Your grade on this project will be based upon:

The final code generator is due Thursday, Dec 7th at 11:59PM. Late assignments are not accepted.