CSE 40243 Fall 2023

Compilers and Language Design Course at the University of Notre Dame

Typechecking Assignment



The next step in building a compiler is to check the semantic correctness of the program, particularly focusing on name resolution and type checking. Both stages involve traversing the abstract syntax tree recursively. Name resolution involves matching every unbound reference to a name (x) to the relevant variable definition to which it refers (x:integer=3;). Once that is accomplished, typechecking computes the type of each expression and ensure that it is compatible with its destination.


Please review the general instructions for assignments.

If your program is invoked as follows:

bminor --scan sourcefile.bminor
bminor --parse sourcefile.bminor
bminor --print sourcefile.bminor

… then it should continue to scan, parse, or print out the AST, as in previous assignments.

For this assignment, you will add name resolution.

Name Resolution

If your program is invoked as follows:

bminor --resolve sourcefile.bminor

then it should parse, construct the AST, and then resolve variable names to symbols using decl_resolve, stmt_resolve, expr_resolve, as discussed in the textbook. As each variable declaration is encountered, enter it into the symbol table, bound to the given name. As each name reference is encountered, match it to the corresponding symbol.

For each name resolved, you should print a message like:

x resolves to local 3
y resolves to global y
z resolves to param 5

For each name that is used without a corresponding declaration, emit a message like this:

resolve error: foo is not defined
resolve error: x is not defined


For name resolution, you will need to build a scope module which keeps track of the binding between names and symbols in each level of nesting, with an interface like this:

void            scope_enter();
void            scope_exit();
void            scope_bind( const char *name, struct symbol *s );
struct symbol * scope_lookup( const char *name );

This module will keep track of a linked list of hash tables, each one representing nested scopes in the program. scope_enter will push a new (empty) hash table on to the stack, while scope_delete will pop one from the stack. scope_bind will insert into the current scope an entry binding a name to a symbol object. scope_lookup will search the stack of hash tables, looking for the closest instance of a matching definition.


As with the previous step, create ten good test cases named test/resolve/good[0-10].bminor that consist of valid B-minor programs and ten bad test cases test/resolve/bad[0-10].bminor that contain at least one typechecking error. We will evaluate your code using these and some other hidden test cases.

As always, exercise good style in programming by choosing sensible variable names, breaking complex tasks down into smaller functions, and using constructive comments where appropriate.

Ensure that make clean, make, and make test, and continue to work properly.


Tag your submission with resolve in github to turn in.

For this assignment, your grade will be based upon the following:

This assignment is due Thursday, November 9th at 11:59PM. Late assignments are not accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions

See the bottom of the B-Minor Language Guide for some FAQs about typechecking.