CSE 40771 - Distributed Systems

CSE 40771 - Distributed Systems - Spring 2023

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Prof. Douglas Thain
Office Hours: Mon 2-4PM, Wed 1-3PM
Office: 384C Fitzpatrick Hall (Dept Office)
TA: Thanh Phung
Office Hours: Tue 3-5PM, Wed 3-5PM
Office: 150B Fitzpatrick Hall (Student Commons)

Course Materials

Office Hours

Office hours will be held in person starting the second week of class. If you prefer to talk via Zoom, please indicate that via slack or email, and we will dial into Zoom.

Course Schedule

MondayWednesdayFridayGrad Reading Due Sun
Jan 16 Intro and Purposes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A Note on Distributed Computing
Jan 23 Processes
Chapter 3
Clients and Servers
Chapter 3
A1 Due: Measuring
Server Clusters
Chapter 3
Scalability! COST?
Jan 30 Communications
Chapter 4.1
Remote Procedure Call
Chapter 4.2
Remote Procedure Call
Chapter 4.2
Mercury RPC
Feb 6 RPC Semantics
Chapter 8.3
State Management

A2 Due: RPC
Case Study: NFS
Chapter 2.4
RFC 1094
Feb 13 Messaging
Chapter 4.3
Chapter 5.1-5.2
A3 Due: Persistence
Chapter 5.3
Feb 20 Chord / DNS
Chapter 5.3
What is Time?
Chapter 6.1
A4 Due: Naming
Logical Clocks
Chapter 6.2
Distributed Snapshots
Feb 27 Logical Clocks
Chapter 6.2
Vector Clocks
Chapter 6.2
A5 Due: Concurrency
Catch Up / Review Byzantine Generals
Mar 6 Midterm Exam Mutual Exclusion
Chapter 6.3
Chapter 6.4
Project Proposal Due
Mar 13 Spring Break
Mar 20 Replication Strategies
Chapter 7.1
Data Centric Consistency
Chapter 7.2
Client Centric Consistency
Chapter 7.3
Mar 27 Consistency Contd Two Phase Commit
Chapter 8.5
A6 Due: Replication
Chain Replication
Keeping CALM
Apr 3 Security - General
Chapter 9.1/9.3
Symmetric Key Systems
Chapter 9.2
Progress Report Due
Good Friday
Apr 10 Easter Holiday Asymmetric Key Systems
Chapter 9.2
Asymmetric Contd.
Apr 17 Case Study: HTCondor
Case Study: Ceph
Case Study: Kafka
Apr 24 Project Talks: Project Talks:
May 1 Project Talks: Project Talks: Final Project
Due Wed at 5PM
Open Review - Thursday, May 4th at 1:00PM
Final Exam - Thursday, May 11th at 8:00AM