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Project 2: Processes and the Shell

Please review the General Instructions for assignments. The goals of this project are:

Essential Requirements

You will write a program called myshell which is capable of executing, managing, and monitoring user level programs. This program will be similar in purpose and design to everyday shells like bash or tcsh, although the syntax will be slightly different. myshell will be invoked without any arguments, and will support several different commands.

Your shell should print out a prompt like myshell> when it is ready to accept input. It must read a line of input, accepting several possible commands:

The first few command in this list will be “built in” commands in which the shell will do the actual work. The list command should cause the shell to list the contents of the current directory, displaying each filename, type (file or directory), and size in bytes. You can arrange this output to your taste, and add more details if you like.

myshell> list
D .          0 bytes
D ..         0 bytes
F words.txt  105 bytes
F myshell.c  2836 bytes
. . .

The chdir command should cause the shell to change its working directory to the named directory:

myshell> chdir /tmp

The pwd command should cause the shell to print the current working directory:

myshell> pwd

The copy command should duplicate one file or directory to another. Make use of your treecopy code from the previous assignment to implement this command:

myshell> copy old.c new.c
copy: copied 2836 bytes from old.c to new.c

The next few commands will focus on creating and managing sub-processes that execute external programs.

The start command should start another program with command line arguments, print out the process number of the running program, and then accept another line of input. For example:

myshell> start cp data.txt copy.txt
myshell: process 346 started

The wait command causes the shell to wait for any child process to exit. When this happens, indicate whether the exit was normal or abnormal, along with the exit code or signal number and name, respectively. Display any errors encountered. For example:

myshell> wait
myshell: process 502 exited normally with status 5

myshell> wait
myshell: process 347 exited abnormally with signal 11: Segmentation fault.

myshell> wait
myshell: No children.

The waitfor command does the same thing, but waits for a specific child process to exit:

myshell> waitfor 346
myshell: process 346 exited normally with status 0

myshell> waitfor 346
myshell: No such process.

The run command should combine the behavior of start and waitfor. run should start a program, wait for that particular process to finish, and print the exit status. For example:

myshell> run date
Mon Jan 19 11:51:57 EST 2009
myshell: process 348 exited normally with status 0

The kill command should kill a process by taking the pid of a specific child process.

myshell> kill 346
myshell: process 346 has been killed

myshell> kill 346
myshell: unable to kill process 346

After each command completes, your program must continue to print a prompt and accept another line of input. The shell should exit with status zero if the command is quit or exit or the input reaches end-of-file. If the user types a blank line, simply print another prompt and accept a new line of input. If the user types any other command, the shell should print a reasonable error message:

myshell> bargle ls -la
myshell: unknown command: bargle

To keep things simple, your shell doesn’t need to deal with arbitrarily long commands. It must accept input lines of up to 1024 characters, and must handle up to 128 distinct words on a line.

Technical Hints

You will need to read the manual pages for the following system and library calls, and possibly others:

fgets, printf, strtok, strsignal, opendir, readdir, closedir, stat, chdir, getwd, fork, execvp, wait, waitpid, kill, exit, signal

Use fgets to read one line of text after printing the prompt. Note that if you printf a prompt that has no newline on the end, it will not immediately display. Call fflush(stdout) to force the output.

Breaking the input line into separate word is a little tricky, but is only a few lines of code once you get it right. Call strtok(line," \t\n") once to obtain the first word, and then strtok(0," \t\n") repeatedly to get the rest, until it returns null. Declare an array of pointers char *words[100], then, for each word found by strtok, save a pointer to the word in words[i]. Keep track of the number of words as nwords, then set words[nwords] = 0; when you have found the last one.

Once you have broken the input line into words, you can check words[0] for the command name, use strcmp to check for string equality and atoi to convert a string to an integer.

Make sure to stop if fgets returns null, indicating end-of-file. This allows you to run myshell and read commands from a file. For example, if you create myscript with the following contents:

start ls
start date

Then, you can run the shell on that input like this:

./myshell < myscript


Make sure to test your program on a wide variety of conditions. Try running multiple programs simultaneously. Create some simple programs that crash or exit with values other than zero, to make sure that wait and run report the correct exit status.

Make sure to carefully handle all possible error conditions. Every system call can fail in a number of ways. You must cleanly handle all possible errors with a reasonable error message, as discussed in Project 1. It is up to you to read the man pages carefully and learn what errors are possible.


Your grade will be based on:

Turning In

This assignment is due at 5:00PM on Friday, January 29th. Turn in the file myshell.c and a Makefile that builds the executable from source. Your dropbox is mounted on the student machines at this location:


To submit your files, make a directory called project2 in your dropbox, and copy your files there:

mkdir /escnfs/courses/sp22-cse-30341.01/dropbox/YOURNETID/project2
cp file1 file2 file3 ...  /escnfs/courses/sp22-cse-30341.01/dropbox/YOURNETID/project2

And double check that the right items are present:

ls -la /escnfs/courses/sp22-cse-30341.01/dropbox/YOURNETID/project2